Saturday, October 3, 2009

Today I Change The World !

                    Okay, I am finally going to write a no shit-can't believe its not butter-no holds barred-factual account of my own volition. This is my own manifestation: a disambiguation, as it were. Sorry for the S.A.T. words but like most of my long time old school friends we have definitely earned the right to spit them with no apologies and enjoy the blank  faces staring back at when I do.  Enough "Bonn Chin Che" (gossip) I hoped I spelled it right or I 'll hear about it.

I finally picked up my college diploma the other day and realized I should have not waited so long to retrieve it but with being sick, my new level of docility, and running head first into silly issue after issue I decided to see what it looked like, since I earned the damn thing.  With graduate school only a few months away the PhD program from hell about to begin I sit and reflect on why it's necessary for me to change the world.  In my own selfish way I wanted, like most power hungry 5 foot dictators, to shape the world in my own image but I digress, maybe the world really doesn't need to make Bon-Bons its own food group.

I looked at my friend's page the other day and seeing how young we once were, shuddered to think what will become of us if we don't enact change and move quickly to bring our world goals to fruition.  Our personal lives are a direct reflection of where we need to enact global change.  With all the creationists, evolutionists and separatists fighting in an epic battle for world domination at a skewed view, I felt the need to shift my personal view onto a global scale to see where I as an individual can enact real change.  Sadly, personal tragedy, health and other unavoidable distractions have had me slip off my path once (twice, or three times) but it only gives me more experience to deal headlong with issues at hand.

Now I know what some are thinking that we all can persevere, but in reality we all can't be chairman of the board. We however, can all take steps to foster global change.  For example I took a year off from college to help my hubby and kiddies get acclimated to their new home; get school focused and contribute better to my totalitarian government my husband and I run at home. Top that with my impending career change after so long, I needed to secure my place in the history books.  In order for there to be positive change there needs to be stability, at least at home.

I took three steps to start down this path in addition to all the wonderful yummy pieces of knowledge I learned from Brooklyn College:

1. sadly a change in diet that almost killed me  for lack of bon bons (don't worry I still have some but once in a while; I am trying to enact global change not kill myself in the process).  I have become a camel, drinking water all day and besides bon bons I gave up my cu-chi Fritos, the fried versions of all my favorite animal parts and junk food. 

2. change in my societal views of how people and relationships are and should be.  I have gained a more open mind about people places atmosphere and all the straight laced people I used to make fun of.  I make friends with whores, for their unique knowledge (just kidding) and saints, to laugh at (really just kidding) alike and find myself not so different from any of them.  I judge only those whose shoes I have walked in before and I have gained the discipline to take whatever pulsations, beatings, setbacks and defeats that come my way and move forward always with a smile and silent resolve.

3. I have tightened my circle of peers to include stages of people who will assist along the way.  The doctors, musicians, artisans, swingers, husband and wife stealer's, wife and husband beaters (yep they do exist) communists, bi, tri, pan, and quad sexuals  that I have befriended on this site; or from the "Boogie Down" to "Flatbush" or at work, school, L.E.S.(my old hangout spot) all  have been put here to assist me in this task.  All the frills and falseness we laugh at every day or all the people we take for granted is why I relaxed here on my last day off from my work to tell you. That is why you get to read this short diatribe of mine, and sit in your homes and think on why we, with our brilliant minds haven't thought of this sooner.

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