I'm enjoying the single life, though the partying is not epic. The dance halls ring songs of my youth but my two step hasn't caught up to the Dougie yet. I manage slightly. The young bucks still can't keep up but I don't feel like racing them anymore.
Why move backwards to feel equal...I'm not good at this new single life. I wonder if its because I never experienced being single in the first place. I relished in my parenting and threw myself into work. When my friends were doing the drunk Kid-n-Play in Bentley's, I went to school and was married to a not-so-pleasant man who I really never dated. My focus always laid on the goals of my family and others, I never once partied down for no reason. It was always at a conference or an event, that I was required to attend.
Sometimes I feel my time is now is not valuable anymore. It seems wasted, under appreciated. I feel as if I've plunged myself into retirement. Even went so far as to look at property in Florida. (Sunshine in the Sunshine state...hmmm) Then I had an awakening as I sat in the dark lonely cave of a friend. My time is like the One Ring to Smeagol from Lord of The Rings...
"It is Precious"
I sit wondering, in my newly furnished hobbit hole and simple surround how much it means to me to be single, happy and prosperous. It means everything to me. Since I'm not exceptional physically, socially, intellectually and financially, except in my rare bouts of logic, I don't judge anyone for less, I just point them in the direction of people they would feel more comfortable with. I live a purposely under-the-radar lifestyle. I cherish my new simple single existence. I think.
My formerly married attire clashes with my fairy wings a bit...
As far as being single goes, I'll have to learn to enjoy it, just like I enjoyed eating my vegetables and getting my shots. This is one cool summer...