Why the hell did he have to be so Goddamn flawless. Why couldn't he have buck teeth and demon eyes or horns. Why did he have to be anatomically correct and have a pretty smile to boot. I had to control myself from jumping him at the door. He wore a bandanna and looked as if his mommy dressed him which made him even cuter than usual. He looked almost innocent. I know, I know, looks can be deceiving and in this case that was a good thing. We proceeded upstairs and held each other for a really long time. We kissed as if we were lost loves.
I was almost teary eyed because I knew this given our circumstance that encounter would be brief beyond measure. He managed to kiss my feet before we became wrapped up in each others embrace. He smiled brightly and whispered something inaudible but managed to keep his cool as always. He seemed distracted about something but wouldn't say. My phone rang about three times but I couldn't answer because I was too busy relearning the Kama Sutra without the aide of a book.
He looked more anxious than I was, and I was waiting for him to tell me why! He held me so long I thought he was telling me goodbye; that this relationship was to intense to continue; to sexual to sustain outside of the bedroom; but that was not to be the case. He said he wanted me more and he was risking more than I realize to see me; to hold me, to tell me he loved me. I was unaccustomed to the idea that a man would have feelings. Was I too selfish to realize that Earth Mothers can't procreate and save the world without their equal and opposing Earth Fathers? I fell so hard at that moment that months later that brief occurrence still haunts me!
I actually teared up a little during our fun time lol without him knowing, which surprised the hell out of me. I am superwoman last time I checked, I really am I have the cape, thunder thighs, and tights to prove it.
As we jumped in the bath after I giggled at how my illustrious finally combed Bob became a Cree Summer fro in a matter of minutes. I was startled out of my love stupor only to remember company was coming and we had to part. No long goodbyes, no tender moments of post-coital cuddling only a quick hug and kiss; a called cab and a light push out of the door before my hour fight with my flat iron. My actions of late have made me silly. I think I have become am a mystery unto myself. I also thought I was a comical genius in the lightning speed my home was transformed from fun time to family time and that fun time though it was short actually kept me smiling.
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