One day a royal procession entered the palace of Agrabah -oh wait sorry that's from Aladdin -back to my representation of the mild mannered truth was deemed necessary to share. I undervalued my whore but I told her she will no longer be seen as such or continually be under appreciated.
I lied.
It was mourning time in the city because the governors son was stabbed in the heart several months before and because the killer was found, the memorial was within a few weeks. Streets bustled with quiet mayhem, visible only through morbidly dirty binoculars. The best of us has died, was on everyone lips. I don't know why I said it publicly, but since I was the only one with the testicular fortitude to speak, I said what I felt, even though it was a lie. He was a sweetheart yes, but little brothers usually are, even the bad ones. I knew I was going to miss him but I had more urgent matters at present, monetarily of course. Being the golden child had its perks but when I get stuck with maintaining his businesses, running a budding practice and leading the coolest of triple lives, it becomes more an annoyance.
I didn't realize you'd peek down this far. Please continue...
I get a phone call from Nancy, my local spy and whore to the rich. I can't knock prostitution, being a Madam paid for all the partying in college. Why not continue, with better clientele? Pussy sells like platinum records and Nancy's was diamond. Tall, highly educated, curvy Italian girl with the standard Grey eyes, curly jet black hair and mouth so raunchy, you want to slap her or stick a dick in her mouth on site.
I pay her so fucking well.
I'm crunching numbers in my office wearing my pink Nicole Miller sandals, I got on sale at Bergdof's, a wife beater and Levi brand skinny jeans; shes always boutiqued out in Gucci from head to toe. I think I pay her way too well. She was down the block and sounded if she had been running. She said breathlessly, she had news. I peeked my head from behind my folders when she entered, she had just come back from a cruise to Cancun, tanned, almost light brown and ten pounds lighter. That Bitch... Yes, I was a bit jealous she had come back bouncing off the walls with sand flecks still visible on her almond skin. I sat like a perched monkey waiting for a banana. I was actually interested in what she was going to tell me even though I knew all the information already.
Knowing the truth, is half the battle and all the fun.
I received my hug and kiss as was customary. She always flirted but I never paid it any mind. She knew I liked girls, pretty ones, more than I liked men. But, she did what whores did, earned the next dollar by any means necessary. She was my Puss cleanser, there to fuck who I needed her to, male or female on command. She told me Pico, my Southern American connect, said hi, and wanted to see my fat ass before the month was over. I giggled, shaking my head. She also said the Tecate beer is still a dollar and the girls still bend over easy and smoothly for change. I love bi-sexual girls, they alone could keep me rich beyond all reason. Why was she hesitating? I already knew the Undernourished Nympho prospect of mine was fucking a respected peer, my equal except moneyless; describing her peach colored pussy and purple complected cheeks wasn't going to change that fact. My favorite puss cleanser fucked my Undernourished Nympho to record that information first hand.
The Back Story is always a nail biter isn't it?
Yep, that was her designation, Nancy Nopeligato was too plain a name. Her only goal was to fuck her fellow countryman and pillow talk the truth out of him. Since I have never known a straight man to ever turn down pretty pussy, especially in multiples, my information was sound. There was a catch, however, her partner in this debauchery, was un-pedigreed.
Niniel, The sea of tears...
Therein laid my mistake. I interrupted the continued happy one-sided progression of my friendship with this whore, to investigate this spare. Her name was Niniel. She was a chocolate contrast to my Italian princess. Where Nancy's 40 triple D almond breasts poured out of her blouse, my new Moles tiny perky breasts stood bra less at attention. Even though their asses rivaled each other, Niniel's was that much more. Maybe it was the coloring. Maybe it was the fact that she and I were the same height while Nancy towered over us. I can't lie, when I first met her I thought she was slightly malnutrition-ed, from things crawling up her insides and hatching Alien-style pustules neatly on her face; with breath smelling chalk like. I assumed a great bath, a check-up, I performed myself and a healthy dose of the good dick would help; it actually did. Then I saw this young woman fuck in a threesome with my favorite puss cleanser and I knew she would be perfect.
I often wondered why men pay for pussy.
She wasted no time wrapping her legs around my mark. He was a regular, middle aged Dominican man, too good looking to be paying for pussy but he was rich, old country rich, so I didn't care. I told him I'd let him sample a new new girl free of charge. I told him he could even come to the guest house behind my home instead of paying full price in one of my hotels. With surveillance cameras everywhere, it was the best place to watch her in action.
I never heard a man cry out like a bitch before.
I thought I was watching gay porn until I realized what she was doing. She fucked first and pleased later. No oral introduction, no tempting. She was all business, all day. She lifted this grown mans legs in a cradled missionary position. I watched the tightest pussy I have ever seen take his monster cock without effort. She tilted his penis down, jumped on top and rode so fast he slapped himself. Sweating, he beckoned Nancy to ride his face for what seemed like comfort. He couldn't handle her alone. She slowed to a rhythmic stroke to let him catch his bearings, while I watched in between video conferencing peers over seas. Eighty-Two inch, hi-def flat screens, with picture in picture, capture everything.
Vibrating penises make me smile something awful.
He came about six times in four hours, from just her ride. Since I screen my clients thoroughly and put all the girls on birth control, he gets to hit raw. Putting his legs down so she could slow ride him, she proceeded to satisfy herself now. She was fucking to cum. He, still holding onto Nancy's now red thighs for dear life, didn't notice the two girls kissing, nor did he watch their synchronized gyrations as Nancy fucked his face. For a brief moment, it looked like the two whores weren't working and they were enjoying each others company, but time is money and neither gets wasted. It was time for my mark to see my girls cum. Rubbing Nancy's clit hastened her cumming but he had already made her cum. He swallowed her load repeatedly, half crying half grunting. Nancy hopped off so he could finally watch Niniel.
Forgive me I like to watch too.
Niniel, the sea of tears, from one of those Tolkien books. I got why that was her name. She finally released her grip on his manhood. He just stared at his vibrating throbbing penis in amazement. He never went flaccid even though he came repeatedly. While Nancy proceeded to suck him clean, Niniel masturbated in front of him. His head swayed to her finger movements, she was beckoning him closer and he obliged, mouth open and expectant. Wet chocolate lips he wanted to know on a first name basis. He was properly introducing himself with his tongue of course. I watched him weakly tongue fuck her, he was spent. He moved so close as she shot clean into his mouth. I raised my hands in victory like I was watching soccer. My overseas peers wanted the screen share to see what game I was watching but I just motioned them back to business. My mark paid me triple that night.
Back to the present, yes she is a gift.
I posed over the internet as my Undernourished Nympho latest false conquest, typing sweet nothings through her to become his practice muse, curbing his appetite since I would not be servicing him anymore. I know lying is bad, I read the book and wrote home about it. Even though we had a very open relationship, he stated pleadingly that our peers were off limits. I obliged, but somehow, he lost his own memo. I was done with liars anyway. He was getting a taste of his own medicine. At least he got to fuck someone in the process. I was too nice for my own good. It didn't matter I had already set my sights on the prettiest eyes, devoid of bullshit. No more lying fuck wads for me, but I digress his sex game was epic.
Don't worry we'll revisit that last line another time...
I spun a web bringing more wonderful people into my circle of happy melancholy friends. The information provided me by my Moles was accurate and all parties would be in full participation. My Mole's only concern was that she would not become saturated by the affections of my Undernourished Nympho. She didn't have to worry, she was perfected in her craft by the best. She knew her pussy and her head game was the stuff of legends. Suck, play, stroke was the made up song she played in her head. I watched her snake charm porno stars and suck off dignitaries so good, she was offered contracts, a couple islands and a title. No dick for her would be unconquerable. She was leery of my Undernourished Nympho, only because she knew he put me to sleep once. Once. One time I'll admit to under torture. She wanted her perfect puss intact so she could continue to covet more healthy pocketed fare. Her mind was always on her money. I was like a proud Mama. I reassured her this would be an epic experiment of the human conscience, one to remember.
This started a chain of events that I completely and quickly lost control of.
My Undernourished Nympho was to confess his earthly sins erstwhile I kept my favorite puss cleanser waxing and waning quietly, but the something always has to get fucked up. My brothers death, my sisters all in mourning; the business in shambles. My scheme to escape unscathed, kept getting thwarted by bullshit. Sometimes I wished I was beautiful instead of smart, since life is bliss when you're absolutely ignorant.
The encounter is less mind blowing than you think...
to be continued...
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