I am unapologetic about the fact that I am a horrible flirt. I was even on my Katy Perry 'ish when "I kissed a girl!" I am a tease, but will not sleep with any guy who buys me flowers because I am a naturalist. I grow avocados in my home. I start five conversations at once just to see if you're listening. I won't drop my favorite polka dotted thongs for a free meal or drinks at the bar. I can kind of buy my own everything... I admit I have slipped a couple times in that respect but c'mon people "shorty right there was a ten!" And if I describe him past his pretty brown bright eyed self "The Little One" will get in trouble! I could say this much, however, the hate mail I received because he yapped about me to the wrong girl; the new followers and friend requests since my profile is private are priceless. Why he openly compared my "good good" to lesser women, I haven't a clue. The harassing of my peers because of him is sad. I didn't think one person good hold sway over another like that at all. I stated to one very pretty harasser that borrowed sex is like borrowing a library book, you just read and return on time. If you want to read it again you just borrow it again or go to your favorite book store and pick up a new copy. But I understand not every copy is the same. #Kanyeshrug

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